Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Deforestation in Kalimantan

According to the World Reaoueces Institute (WRI) , forest covered as much as 60 million km square of earth's land eight thousand ago. this reduction in the area covered by forest because of human activities. They have been removed to create land for agriculture, settelment, transport, and industry. In some place forest are destroyed and broken to the extent that plants adn animals become dangerous or extinct.

Geography of Kalimantan

Kalimantan occupies two- thirds of the island of borneo. yhe other one-thirds is belong to malaysia and brunei darrusalam.

Causes of deforestsation in kalimantan

Kalimantan has been experiencing a rapid rate of deforestation for the last 25 years. the word wide fund for nature (WWF) reported that between 2000 and 2002,deforestation rose kilometre square a year in kalimantan. human are doin forestation because :

1. increase demand in agriculture
2. growth of settlement
3. improve transport networks
4. growth of indusrties

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