Sunday, April 18, 2010


Indonesia is an archipelago island. Jakarta is capital of Indonesia. Located on the northwest coast of java. Jakrta is the largest capital of indonesia. jakarta aslo can call metropolitan city. this is because Jakarat is a urban city.Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political center.It is the most populous city in Indonesia and southeast , and is the twelfth large city in the world.

Jakarta is divided for 5 areas.
1. Central Jakarta : akarta's smallest city and home to most of Jakarta's administrative and political center. It is characterized by large parks and Dutch colonial buildings.
2. West Jakarta :has the highest concentration of small-scale industries in Jakarta. The area includes Jakarta's Chinatown and landmarks include the Chinese Langgam building and the Toko Merah building. West Jakarta contains part of the Jakarta old town.
3.South Jakarta :originally planned as a satellite city, is now the location of large upscale shopping centers and affluent residential areas.Much of the CBD area of Jakarta is concentrated in Setia Budi, South Jakarta, bordering the Tanah Abang/Sudirman area of Central Jakarta.
4.East Jakarta :territory is characterized with several industrial sectors erected in this city.
5.North Jakarta :is the only city in Jakarta that is bounded by the sea (Java sea). It is the location of the Tanjung priok Port. Big-scale and medium-scale industries are concentrated in North Jakarta. North Jakarta contains the location of jakrta old town, formerly known as Batavia since the 17th century, and was a center ofVOC trade activity in DUTCH IN INDIES Also located in North Jakarta is Ancol Dreamland (Taman Impian Jaya Ancol), currently the largest integrated tourism area in South East Asia.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Deforestation in Kalimantan

According to the World Reaoueces Institute (WRI) , forest covered as much as 60 million km square of earth's land eight thousand ago. this reduction in the area covered by forest because of human activities. They have been removed to create land for agriculture, settelment, transport, and industry. In some place forest are destroyed and broken to the extent that plants adn animals become dangerous or extinct.

Geography of Kalimantan

Kalimantan occupies two- thirds of the island of borneo. yhe other one-thirds is belong to malaysia and brunei darrusalam.

Causes of deforestsation in kalimantan

Kalimantan has been experiencing a rapid rate of deforestation for the last 25 years. the word wide fund for nature (WWF) reported that between 2000 and 2002,deforestation rose kilometre square a year in kalimantan. human are doin forestation because :

1. increase demand in agriculture
2. growth of settlement
3. improve transport networks
4. growth of indusrties

Kebun Raya Bogor (Bogor Botanical Garden)

What is Bogor Botanical Garden ?

One of the oldest of its kind in Asia, this botanical garden was conceived at the order of Sir Stamford Raffles and officially opened in 1817. The enchanting garden exhibits an impressive about 17,000 plant species--including rare orchids and the giant rafflesia--from Indonesia and abroad. The entire grounds cover a vast 87 hectares and also accommodate a cemetery. A monument stands in loving memory of Raffle's wife Olivia, who died in Bogor but was buried in Batavia, Old Jakarta. A café provides vegetarian meals along with international and local fare.

where is the Bogor Botanical Garden ? is located 60km south of capital jakarta in Bogor. kebun raya is located in the presidential place.

in kebun raya bogor also has many flora and fauna species. in kebun raya bogor aslo have a deer in their garden. the gorverment let them(deers) free. we also can feed the deers.